Monday, December 10, 2007

Wii is Whipping People in Shape

While some people are struggling just to stay out of the hospital when getting too amped up playing their Wii. But one man named,Mickey DeLorenzo a 25-year-old living in Philadelphia, decided to use the sports games on Wii as an exercise. It was named research study of the year.The Wii sports experiment in December 2006 and ran for 6 weeks. He devoted 30 minutes a day playing the numerous amount of sports games available. Mickey started out at 182 pounds, and after a month and a half of Wii workouts his weight dropped to 172. Which he found quite amazing considering that this was the first substantial loss he had attained in over two years. He didn't even cut back on fast foods. This video game console is one of a kind. There are no other systems with exercises. This keeps your kids active and at the same time letting them be able to do numerous exercises in the house.

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